The Italian Scientific Community is honoured to host the XI ECE in Naples, an opportunity to celebrate Entomology in Europe. We hope that our enthusiasm will be shared, even beyond the EU borders, to be a great success for the global Scientific Community. We look forward to seeing you in Napoli, an exciting city, in a stunning location, with beautiful monuments and a unique atmosphere.
The scientific programme will include the following sessions:
- Morphology, systematics and phylogeny
- Ecology, biodiversity and conservation
- Physiology and biochemistry
- Behaviour and chemical ecology
- Genetics and functional genomics
- Agricultural and forest entomology
- Stored products entomology
- Ecology and toxicology of pesticides and genetically modified crops
- Medical and veterinary entomology
- Parasitology and pathology
- Biological control and integrated pest management
- Apidology, sericulture and social insects
- Symbiosis and insect vector biology
- Entomophagy: insects as food and feed
Proposal for symposia under these sessions will be accepted from October 2016 to October 2017